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IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

2nd Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and its Adjacent Regions (CSK-2)

CSK-1 Data and Information

Co-operative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions (CSK)

The Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions (CSK) is a cooperative international undertaking under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of Unesco and the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council of FAO. The CSK area extends from 160°E longitude to the mainland of Asia and from 4°S to 47°N latitude.

It was at first approved by the regional meeting, held in Manila, 1962, of representatives of marine scientific institutions in East and Southeast Asia.

The second session of the IOC (Paris, September 1962) recommended, by its 12th resolution, that interested member states of the IOC develop the programme for the co-operative systematic seassonal investigation of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea, Southern Sea of Japan and the Eastern Philippines Sea, including studies of the physical, chemical and biological oceanography and collaborate actively in these investigations.

Marine science experts on the Kuroshio region met in Tokyo, October 1963 and recommended that the IOC approve the CSK as an official programme of the IOC and suggested the establishment of an International Co-ordinating Group.

The third session of the IOC (Paris, June 1964) adopted CSK as an official programme and established the International Co-ordination Group for CSK (ICG-CSK).

Co-operative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions (1965-1979)

IOC started with a regional programme in the Western Pacific in 1965. The first project involved the so-called Kuroshio project, with 12 countries participating in and supporting joint research into this current which flows from the tropic Pacific northward via the East China Sea towards the North Western Pacific.

CSK have contributed greatly to the increase of knowledge of oceanography and fisheries in the regions concerned. At the same time, CSK focused the attention of participating countries on oceanography and assisted them in laying down a scientific basis for marine scientific research. Kuroshio data center has received data from 16,727 stations from 435 cruises. 6 volumes of “CSK Atlases” were compiled.

The ICG-CSK met eleven times during the project. During the period of CSK, four CSK Symposia were held for summary and discussion of the results obtained from CSK cruises.

Towards the end of CSK, the post-CSK programme was discussed and the name of the programme was decided as “WESTPAC”. Thus CSK terminated at the end of the fourth Symposium of CSK in February 1979.

CSK Related Documents

CSK Session: International Co-ordinating Group for the Co-operative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions (CSK)


CSK Symposia

  • 4th Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 February 1979: Proceedings
  • 3rd Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-29 May 1972: Proceedings
  • 2nd Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 28 September – 1 October 1970: Proceedings
  • 1st Symposium, Honolulu, USA, 29 April – 5 May 1968: symposium abstract


CSK Newsletters

No. 53, Mar. 1979 No. 52, Mar. 1978 No. 51, Sept. 1977 No. 50, Mar. 1977 No. 49, Oct. 1976
No. 48, Mar. 1976 No. 47, Sep. 1975 No. 45/46, Feb 1975 No. 44, Jun. 1974 No. 43, Jan. 1974
No. 41/42, Oct. 1973 No. 40, Feb 1973 No. 39, Nov. 1972 No. 37/38, Jul. 1972 No. 35, Dec. 1971
No. 34, Jul. 1971 No. 33, May 1971 No. 31, Dec. 1970 No. 26, Jan. 1970 No. 18, Jul. 1968
No. 12, Jul. 1967 No. 8, Sept, 1966 No. 5, Feb. 1966 No. 3, Oct. 1965 No. 2, Sep. 1965

Copyright: Japan Oceanographic Data Center, Hydrographic Department, Maritime Safety Agency, Japan

Example of how to cite articles in CSK Newsletters
JODC 1979: CSK Newsletter. No.53, March 1979. Available from

CSK Publications

  • Kuroshio Data Center/Japan Oceanographic Data Center, 1981. Guide to CSK Data.
  • CHUANG Shou – Hwa (ed.), 1977. CSK Zooplankton Data Report (Data Sheet of CSK Standard Zooplankton Sample), No. 8. Singapore University Press.
  • CHUANG Shou – Hwa (ed.), 1977. CSK Zooplankton Data Report (Data Sheet of CSK Standard Zooplankton Sample), No. 4. Singapore University Press.
  • CHUANG Shou – Hwa (ed.), 1974. CSK Zooplankton Data Report (Data Sheet of CSK Standard Zooplankton Sample), No. 4. Singapore University Press.
  • Tham Ah Kow (ed.), 1973. CSK Zooplankton Data Report (Data Sheet of CSK Standard Zooplankton Sample), No. 3. Singapore University Press.
  • Tham Ah Kow (ed.), 1973. CSK Zooplankton Data Report (Data Sheet of CSK Standard Zooplankton Sample), No. 2. Singapore University Press.
  • Barkley, Richard A. 1973. The Kuroshio Current. Science Journal 6(3):54-60. [Also in R. Gordon Pirie (ed.), Oceanography: Contemporary…, Oxford University Press, pp.108-118].


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WESTPAC. CSK-1 Data and Information. IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific website,, 27/09/22.

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WESTPAC. CSK-1 Data and Information,, accessed on 27/09/22.