IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

Road map set down for the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI), Manila, Philippines, 25-27 November 2009

The Third Expert Workshop on the pilot project of SEAGOOS on the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI) took place in Manila, Philippines, 25-27 November, in collaboration with the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China.

The meeting reviewed the progress made since its second expert workshop in August and arrived at concrete actions to be carried out in the year of 2010, including:
– Finalization of MOMSEI Science Plan with the inclusion of long time vision as one separate chapter, in which winter monsoon onset could be given due considerations. It was also suggested that, mainly due to the current poor understanding on the mechanism of winter monsoon, a staged approach be adopted in the development of MOMSEI Science plan to addressing the winter monsoon.

– Establishment and adoption of the Terms of Reference of MOMSEI Scientific Steering Group (SSG) , which should take overall responsibility to provide scientific guidance for the planning and implementation of MOMSEI;

– Establishment of the MOMSEI Project Office within the WESTPAC Secretariat. The meeting also welcomed the two experts seconded early next year by the Phuket Marine Biological Center of Thailand and the First Institute of Oceanography of China to this office at the initial stage of MOMSEI Implementation;

– First MOMSEI Cruise to be carried out in April, 2010 to collect oceanographic background information for the future buoy deployment over Andaman Sea and provide training through cruise opportunities to young scientists in the region;

– First MOMSEI Summer School scheduled for June-July 2010 to provide monsoon science to young scientists;

– Development of template for the regional ocean observing system;

– The forth expert workshop to be hosted by the university of Malaysia in October 2010.

During the meeting, a study visit was also organized to the Marine Science Institute of the University of Philippines.