Young Scientists’ Research Interests Triggered in Monsoon and its Impact on Ocean Ecosystems

WESTPAC concluded its fourth Summer School on “Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts” (MOMSEI) on 23 August 2013 in Terengganu, Malaysia. The school was attended by 25… Continue reading Young Scientists’ Research Interests Triggered in Monsoon and its Impact on Ocean Ecosystems

MOMSEI deployed its first monsoon monitoring buoy in Andaman Sea

16 November 2012 — one deep ocean buoy system, “Bai Long” (White Dragon), was successfully deployed in the Andaman Sea with exact location of 95°37´E, 9°36´N. This Bai Long buoy,… Continue reading MOMSEI deployed its first monsoon monitoring buoy in Andaman Sea

“We can’t manage what we don’t measure”

We can’t manage what we don’t measure”, MOMSEI and BOBLME join hands to develop capacity for ocean-atmosphere observations. The third Summer School of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)… Continue reading “We can’t manage what we don’t measure”

1st MOMSEI Summer School successfully conducted in Qingdao

The First Summer School of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) on the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI) was organized in Qingdao, 25-30 July… Continue reading 1st MOMSEI Summer School successfully conducted in Qingdao

Partnerships at Work: the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts

WESTPAC held one side meeting on 25-26 November in Manila, Philippines during the East Asian Seas Congress 2009 on the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts. Being… Continue reading Partnerships at Work: the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts

Road map set down for the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI), Manila, Philippines, 25-27 November 2009

The Third Expert Workshop on the pilot project of SEAGOOS on the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI) took place in Manila, Philippines, 25-27 November, in… Continue reading Road map set down for the Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social & Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI), Manila, Philippines, 25-27 November 2009

Second Expert Workshop of IOC/WESTPAC on Monsoon Onsets Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI)

The Second Expert Workshop of IOC/WESTPAC on Monsoon Onsets Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI) was held in Qingdao during 8-9 August 2009 with the generous host of… Continue reading Second Expert Workshop of IOC/WESTPAC on Monsoon Onsets Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impacts (MOMSEI)