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IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

Ocean Deoxygenation

Research updates and publications

  • Chen, N., Shen, Y., Yu, F., Luo, X., You, W., & Ke, C. (2020). A new indicator of hypoxia tolerance in abalone, developed based on heart rate fluctuations. Aquaculture, 519, 734903.
  • Chen, Y., Zhai, F., Gu, Y., Cao, J., Liu, C., Liu, X., … & Li, P. (2021). Seasonal variability in dissolved oxygen in the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 1-15.
  • Chen, Y., Zhai, F., Gu, Y., Cao, J., Liu, C., Liu, X., … & Li, P. (2021). Seasonal variability in dissolved oxygen in the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 1-15.
  • Fernandes, S., Mazumdar, A., Peketi, A., Anand, S. S., Rengarajan, R., Jose, A., … & Shetty, D. (2020). Sulfidization processes in seasonally hypoxic shelf sediments: a study off the West coast of India. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 117, 104353.
  • Große, F., Fennel, K., Zhang, H., & Laurent, A. (2020). Quantifying the contributions of riverine vs. oceanic nitrogen to hypoxia in the East China Sea. Biogeosciences, 17(10), 2701-2714.
  • Lee, C. W., Lim, J. H., Heng, P. L., Marican, N. F., Narayanan, K., Sim, E. U. H., & Bong, C. W. (2020). Influence of elevated river flow on hypoxia occurrence, nutrient concentration and microbial dynamics in a tropical estuary. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 192(10), 1-12.
  • Lee, J., Park, K. T., Lim, J. H., Yoon, J. E., & Kim, I. N. (2018). Hypoxia in Korean coastal waters: a case study of the natural Jinhae Bay and artificial Shihwa Bay. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 70.
  • Limburg, K. E., Breitburg, D., Swaney, D. P., & Jacinto, G. (2020). Ocean deoxygenation: A primer. One Earth, 2(1), 24-29.
  • Morimoto, A., Mino, Y., Buranapratheprat, A., Kaneda, A., Tong-U-Dom, S., Sunthawanic, K., … & Guo, X. (2021). Hypoxia in the Upper Gulf of Thailand: Hydrographic observations and modeling. Journal of Oceanography, 1-19.
  • Naqvi, S. W. A. (2021). Deoxygenation in marginal seas of the Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 88.
  • Pitcher, G.C. and Jacinto, G.S. (2019). 3.3 Ocean deoxygenation links to harmful algal blooms. In: D. Laffoley and J.M. Baxter (Eds.). Ocean Deoxygenation – Everyone’s Problem: Causes, Impacts, Consequences and Solutions (pp. 153-170). Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
  • Wei, Q., Yao, Q., Wang, B., Xue, L., Fu, M., Sun, J., … & Yu, Z. (2019). Deoxygenation and its controls in a semienclosed shelf ecosystem, northern Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(12), 9004-9019.
  • Wulandari, I., A’an, J. W., & Triana, K. (2021). Anticipating Ocean Deoxygenation in the Maritime Continent of Southeast Asia. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38(1), 37-42.
  • Tishchenko, P., Lobanov, V., Kaplunenko, D., Sagalaev, S., & Tishchenko, P. (2021). Acidification and Deoxygenation of the Northwestern Japan/East Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(9), 953.

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