Much more to be done towards enhanced awareness and preparedness for ocean acidification
-WESTPAC conducted national training and engagement workshops in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand-

“What is ocean acidification?”, “How does it happen and impact our livelihoods?”, and “How can we measure, mitigate and adapt to it?” A number of questions were raised from various… Continue reading Much more to be done towards enhanced awareness and preparedness for ocean acidification
-WESTPAC conducted national training and engagement workshops in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand-

National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Thailand

Flyer on the National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Thailand

National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Vietnam

Flyer on the National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Vietnam

WESTPAC Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

Overview Agenda & Document Overview The ocean has absorbed about one third of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions since the industrial revolution, greatly reducing the impact of this greenhouse… Continue reading WESTPAC Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

Second WESTPAC Training Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

Documents # Title Pilot Site Google Earth.KML (Google Earth software needed to open the file); Pilot Site Google Earth image PilotSite_Institutions_IOCWESTPAC_MASTER_FINAL.xlsx Related “Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)” for Ocean Acidification Monitoring… Continue reading Second WESTPAC Training Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

Third WESTPAC Training Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

  Photos of the workshop, All photos © WESTPAC Program 29 August 2016 Presentation 09:00-09:30 Opening and self-introduction 09:30-09:45 Brief on the main results of the 1st and 2nd WESTPAC workshop on monitoring… Continue reading Third WESTPAC Training Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Phuket, Thailand

WESTPAC Ocean Acidification Symposium & Fifth WESTPAC Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Xiamen, China

We are delighted to inform you that the 5th WESTPAC Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems (WESTPAC OA workshop) was… Continue reading WESTPAC Ocean Acidification Symposium & Fifth WESTPAC Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Xiamen, China

Thirteenth Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-XIII)

Overview Agenda & Document Overview On behalf of the WESTPAC Officers, we have the pleasure of inviting Member States in the region to carry on their intergovernmental guidance of the… Continue reading Thirteenth Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-XIII)

WESTPAC Webinar Series on Ocean Acidification

Overview Register for the event Program Overview Objectives: 1. to share the latest scientific advance on ocean acidification, and its impacts on marine ecosystems and socio-economic development in the Western… Continue reading WESTPAC Webinar Series on Ocean Acidification

National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Malaysia

Flyer on the National Ocean Acidification Training Workshop for Malaysia