Pilot Site Google Earth.KML (Google Earth software needed to open the file); Pilot Site Google Earth image
Related “Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)” for Ocean Acidification Monitoring
Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements (standard methods for OA water sampling and analysis)
The Guide (Full text)
SOP 3b – Total alkalinity (open cell): Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using an open-cell titration
SOP 6b – Spectrophotometric pH: Determination of the pH of sea water using the indicator dye m -cresol purple
Instructions for DIC/pH/ALK Sampling Program(s) Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), pH or Alkalinity (ALK)
A seawater filtration method suitable for total dissolved inorganic carbon and pH analyses
Emily E. Bockmon and Andrew G. Dickson Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 12, 2014, 191–195
Carbonate Sampling
1. DIC_TA_Sample Collection_CRED SOP_2015:
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) Sampling Planning and Sample Collection (pdf )
Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS)
CRED ARMS webpage:
1. Assembly (pdf )
2. Deployment (pdf )
3. Recovery (pdf )
4. Processing (pdf )
Calcification Accretion Unit (CAU)
1. CAU1_Assembly_Deployment_Recovery_CRED SOP_2015 (pdf )
2. CAU2_Sample Processing_CRED SOP 2015 (pdf )
3. CAU2a_Template_DataSummary_CRED SOP 2015
4. CAU2b_Template_LabDataSpreadsheet_CRED SOP 2015
5. CAU2c_Template_PhotoIDTag__CRED SOP 2015
Bioerosion Monitoring Unit (BMU) Standard Operating Procedure
1. NCRMP Bioerosion Monitoring Unit (BMU) Standard Operating Procedure (pdf )
15 m Depth Coral Reef Monitoring Survey Site: Overview of Methodologies
1.NCRMP Overview_Instrumentation and Water Sampling_CRED SOP_2015 (pdf )
Programme Book ( pdf ) , ( word file )
Annex I: Application form (word file )
Annex II: Summary Report of the first WESTPAC Training Workshop on Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems, 19-21 January 2015, Phuket, Thailand
How to properly sample seawater for carbonate chemistry – Dickson Lab