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IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

UN Ocean Decade Actions

Mobilize Actions for the UN Ocean Decade

22-25 April, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand
2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference & 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference
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7 September 2022
Tianji, China
IOI International Training on Ocean Governance
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19-20 August 2022
Jakarta, Indonesia
International Workshop on Small Island Studies
1 December 2021
Bangkok, Thailand
National Workshop on the UN Decade of Ocean Science
25-26 November 2021
Bangkok, Thailand
UN Ocean Decade Kickoff Conference for the Western Pacific and it Adjacent Areas
27 October 2021
UNESCAP Asia-Pacific Day for the Ocean
28 September 2021
Science for Sustainable Use of the Ocean
8 June 2021
Qingdao, China
World Oceans Day
16 April 2021
Nha Trang, Vietnam
National Workshop on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
29-31 March 2021
Launch of Malaysia’s Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
14 January 2021
Xiamen, China
Special Forum on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development at the X-MAS
9 November 2020
Decade regional dialogue on co-designing ocean science we need

This virtual session “Co-designing the science we need for the Western Pacific and adjacent areas” was convened by WESTPAC for the Western Pacific, with the support of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, as part of the Ocean Decade Virtual Series. It explored opportunities and challenges and discuss best practices to deliver co-designed, solution-oriented research that will lead to transformative Decade Actions with long-lasting benefits to the ocean and society.

5-6 September 2019
Qingdao, China
Workshop on UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

The workshop was organized by the WESTPAC during the East Asia Marine Cooperation Platform and consist of thematic key-note session and discussions session focusing on the themes covers clean ocean, predicable ocean, healthy and resilient ocean, safe ocean, sustainable ocean, transparent ocean.

31 July – 2 August 2019
Tokyo, Japan
Regional planning Workshop for the North Pacific

The Regional Planning Workshop was organized by the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), in close cooperation with the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), Japanese National Committee for IOC/UNESCO, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), the University of Tokyo and other partners in the region.

A high level of enthusiasm for and passion about the Decade has been pervasive throughout the event, resulting in a series of concrete follow-up arrangements. The RPW reflected priority issues and development challenges in the region, identified knowledge gap and scientific priorities, and provided recommendations on future science actions. These valuable inputs and recommendations will be integrated into the Decade global science action plan and operational plan.