WESTPAC Drafting Group on Regional Ocean Research Priority hold their first Brainstorming Workshop in Bangkok, 25-26 August 2009.
The First Brainstorming Workshop of WESTPAC Drafting Group on Ocean Research Priority Plan (RORP) took place in Bangkok, 25-26 August 2009 with generous support of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources of Thailand and Japan Fund in Trust.
The objectives of this workshop is to identify the most compelling issues in the key areas of interaction between society and the ocean, and present ocean research priorities together with pilot project if possible, and provide a framework for research investment in ocean science in the future. Once finalized, it could serve as the blueprint for WESTPAC to mobilize the concerted efforts of its member states to combat with these compelling issues.
Extensive discussions and suggestions were made at the meeting on the societal themes, framework for the RORP, research priorities, timeline etc. The meeting finally agree on four identified societal themes, namely on: role of ocean in climate change and variability; resilience and vulnerability to natural hazards; health of ocean ecosystems and sustainability and ensuring seafood security. the meeting also identified four Chief Thematic Contributors who will start the preparations for the RORP with general drafting guidelines “the RORP is intended for the scientific community, also decision –makers and other stakeholders who need to recognize the importance of ocean research in climate change, resources management, and their daily lives. Therefore, it is suggested that the RORP be drafted around societal theme with scientific inputs, rather than around historical academic research issues”.