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IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

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1. Opening

2. Adoption of agenda

Part I. WESTPAC strategy, activities and capacities

3. Brief review of on-going WESTPAC programs/projects/working groups since the 13th WESTPAC Session, (27-29 April 2021, Virtual) and the implementation of relevant suggestions from the 13thSession

3.1 Ocean and climate
3.2 Marine biodiversity, ocean ecosystem health and human health
3.3 Knowledge of emerging issues (WGs)
3.4 Capacity development (in general)
3.5 An overview about the Sub-Commission’s development since its last Intergovernmental Session (WESTPAC-XIII, April 2021)

4. Development status of the IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres, and evaluation on a new proposal for a Regional Training and Research Centre on Pollution Assessment and Monitoring (City University of Hong Kong)

5. Latest development on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)

5.1 Global development
5.2 WESTPAC led UN Decade Actions and Decade Coordination Office

  • UN21: Accelerate Marine Spatial Planning in the Western Pacific and its Adjacent Areas
  • UN22: Stem the tide of Asia’s riverine plastic emission into the ocean
  • UN23: Accelerating transformations in capacity development in the Western Pacific – Regional Network of Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) on Marine Science
  • UN 24: Explore the strongest ocean current in the Western Pacific: the 2nd Cooperative Study of Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions – from its sciences to human well beings
  • Decade Coordination Office

5.3  Other Decade related matters

6. The 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference & 1st Regional UN Ocean Science Conference

Part II. Brainstorming on WESTPAC’s future development in the post pandemic era

7. Brainstorming on what we shall further develop (10–12-minute thoughts, ideas, and perspectives by everyone)

Roundtable discussion

8. Future development for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and Decade Coordination Office (DCO)

9. Preparations for the Fourteenth WESTPAC Intergovernmental Session (tentatively Mar-April 2023)

  • Host country and relevant arrangements
  • Preliminary Agenda of the WESTPAC-XIV

10. Date and Venue for the next Advisory Group meeting

11. Other matters

12. Closure

Agenda 4: Proposal for hosting a Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC)

Proposal for hosting a Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC) for the IOC Regional Network of Training & Research Centers on Marine Science in the Western Pacific and Adjacent Areas