IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Advancing knowledge and cooperation for a healthy ocean and prosperous society

UN22: Stem the Tide of Asia’s Riverine Plastic Emission Into the Ocean


20-23 November 2023
Sanya, Hainan, China

WESTPAC and East China Normal University (ECNU) jointly organized the International Workshop to kick-off the UN Ocean Decade Action – UN22: “Stem the Tide of Asia’s Riverine Plastic Emission into the Ocean”. More than forty experts and representatives from eleven maritime countries in the Asia-Pacific region joined the workshop.

April 2022

The IOC-WESTPAC Sub-Commission together with several countries and their institutions in the region developed and registered this program as a UN Ocean Decade Project (“UN22: Stem the tide of Asia’s riverine plastic emission into the ocean”).

16–17 December 2021
Shanghai, China

Co-organization of the “Seminar on the Global Governance Process of Marine Plastic Pollution”.

26 November 2021

Organized a Decade Action Incubator named “Stem the tide of plastic and microplastic transport from rivers to the ocean” at the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) Regional Kickoff Conference for the Western Pacific and its Adjacent Areas. 

6-8 November 2019
Shanghai, China

WESTPAC 3rd workshop “Distribution, Source, Fate and Impacts of Marine Microplasitic in Asia and the Pacific” in 6-8 November 2019, Shanghai, China

2 April 2019
Manila, the Philippines
Established UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC) on Plastic Marine Debris and Microplastics

Established UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC) on Plastic Marine Debris and Microplastics (PMDM), which was officially approved by the UNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) at its 12th Intergovernmental Session (WESTPAC-XII, 2 April 2019, Manila, the Philippines).

15-17 October 2018
Shanghai, China

WESTPAC 2nd workshop “Distribution, Source, Fate and Impacts of Marine Microplasitic in Asia and the Pacific” in 15-17 October 2018, Shanghai, China.

June 2018
Bangkok Thailand

Participated GESAMP WG40 Regional Expert Consultant in June 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

24-25 April 2018
Shanghai, China

Co-organization of the 2nd International Symposium on Marine Microplasitc Pollution and Control.

20-22 September 2017
Phuket, Thailand

WESTPAC inception workshop named “Distribution, Source, Fate and Impacts of Marine Microplasitic in Asia and the Pacific” was held in 20-22 September 2017, Phuket, Thailand.
Establishment of two open-ended Working Groups (WGs): Microplastics in Surface Water WG and Microplastics in Marine Organism WG.

20 April 2017
Qingdao, China

During this conference, a number of recommendations have been made towards future marine science development and cooperation in view of the emerging challenges that the region is facing. Among which a keynote speech titled “Marine plastics and microplastics: threats to marine ecosystem” was delivered and a microplastic session was held, which incubated this Ocean Decade Action initially.

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