Much more to be done towards enhanced awareness and preparedness for ocean acidification
-WESTPAC conducted national training and engagement workshops in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand-

“What is ocean acidification?”, “How does it happen and impact our livelihoods?”, and “How can we measure, mitigate and adapt to it?” A number of questions were raised from various… Continue reading Much more to be done towards enhanced awareness and preparedness for ocean acidification
-WESTPAC conducted national training and engagement workshops in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand-

Member States hailed a Regional Training and Research Center on Coastal Contaminant Monitoring and Marine Innovative Technologies

On 5 April 2023, Member States at the 14th Intergovernmental Session of  the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (4-6 April 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia)  expressed their unanimous support to the… Continue reading Member States hailed a Regional Training and Research Center on Coastal Contaminant Monitoring and Marine Innovative Technologies