Solutions to the conflicts of ocean uses: Accelerate marine spatial planning in the Western Pacific

Coastal and marine ecosystems provide a wide range of ecosystem services supporting the social and economic well-being of our countries and communities.

The increasing use of marine resources leads to growing pressures and impacts on marine environment. The increasing conflicts among users and marine environment have become a significant management challenge, compromising the sustainable provisioning of ecosystem services.

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a multi-sectoral participatory process and methodology for planning and management of ocean and coastal zones. The MSP has rapidly become a commonly accepted approach to addressing conflicts among users and marine spaces. To accelerate its implementation, IOC/UNESCO and the EU’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) produced the “MSPglobal International Guide on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning” to assist governments, partners and practitioners in their MSP processes.

This incubator will gather MSP practitioners from countries in the region, brief on the MSP global movement and the International Guide, share ideas and perspectives and eventually come up with an action plan to further advance MSP process in the region.



Consultant, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO


Professor, Marine Science Learning Centre, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Ario Damar

Director at Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, Bogor Agricultural University, (IPB University) Indonesia

Chalapan Kaluwin

Acting Dean of Science and Professor for Environmental Science and Head of Environmental Science and Geography, University of Papua New Guinea

Lee Moon Suk

Principal Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

Zhen Guo

Associate Professor, Research Center for Coastal Science and Marine Spatial Planning, The First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China

Xinchun Pan

The Secretary General of China Oceanic Development Foundation (CODF), The President of Marine Spatial Planning Academy of CODF

26 November 2021


(UTC+7, Bangkok time)

Zhiwei Zhang

Vice Director, Research Center for Coastal Science and Marine Spatial Planning, The First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China


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