To conserve coastal habitats, it is important to know the distribution and spatial-temporal change of these important habitats.
Remote sensing is an important tool for filling in critical information gaps for mapping and monitoring coastal habitats, yet significant barriers exist for operational use within the ecological and conservation communities. The recent advance of remote sensing technology and free access to high-resolution RS imagines open up new opportunities to apply remote sensing to coastal habitat mapping and monitoring, not only for research, but more importantly for conservation and management.
This incubator will share several application cases on coastal habitat mapping, analyze technological limitations and knowledge gaps between research and conservation. It aims to explore how to advance RS technology and its applications and thus generate solutions to coastal habitat conservation.
Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
LIPI, Indonesia
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
25 November 2021
(UTC+7, Bangkok time)
Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association
Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam
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